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Food for Thought – Will the rest of your year be the best of your year?

Happy Monday!

Here’s your food for thought this week:

"What if the rest of your year was the best of your year?"

We’re about to jump into April already…wow it’s incredible how fast the first part of this year has gone. I like the question above because it incorporates Law of Attraction principles; seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty.

Try this exercise to help you stay focused for the rest of the year:

If the rest of 2008 was the best of the year, what would that look like for you?

What would you want to happen?

Make a list of those things, and envision what you want to create for the rest of 2008. (And by the way, keep in mind there’s plenty of time. That will help you see these goals from a perspective of abundance and flow.)

Have a great week!
Hallie Crawford
Atlanta Certified Career Coach