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Finding a Career that FITS free teleclass tomorrow

I am hosting my free teleclass ‘Love Your Job! Finding A Career That FITS’ tomorrow! Join me if you’d like to learn what to look for in an ideal job and how to make it happen. Here are the details for the call:

Wednesday, October 25, 2006 – 12:00 noon-12:55 ET

Call in number: 1-319-256-1550 – PIN: 354470

* Call in early to be sure to get a ‘seat’!
Feel free to forward this and invite a friend.

Are you ready to have a career you are passionate about? Then now is the time to start making it happen.
In this high value teleclass you will:

1) Learn about the four major components of a truly satisfying career

2) Identify and learn to overcome obstacles that may be getting in the way of you finding a satisfying career

3) Get bonus success tips to successfully make a career transition

I have a special bonus I’m offering only to attendees of the call – it is $100 off the price of the Career Seekers Teleclass. So you don’t want to miss this…

Career transition is a process. Don’t waitnow is the time to get started. This class is an introduction to the
Career Seekers Teleclass series.

Hope to see you on the call tomorrow!
Hallie Career transition