The current pandemic has affected mid-career professionals in many ways. A recent FlexJobs Survey of working parents found that 50% of working parents plan to continue to work from home and will also be fully responsible for childcare and e-learning. If you are balancing your career while taking care of young children at home, some days it can feel like the situation has gotten the best of you. We understand and want to help you. As a mother myself, I understand first hand these challenges. Some days it feels we are running hour by hour holding it together.
We want to help. Here are some suggestions:
Check in with your values and priorities. Life changes can cause our values and priorities to change. Perhaps what your values and priorities were pre-covid will be different than what they are post-covid. Take some time to think about your top three personal values and if you still feel the same about those values. You may find that some adjustments are necessary to better honor your redefined priorities at work. Determine one action step that you can take this week to start honoring your values more in your career. *Keep in mind small steps to honor values can make a big difference. You don’t have to turn your life upside down to honor a value.
Get support. With so much going on during this time, we just can’t do it all. This doesn’t make us weak or incompetent, these are just unprecedented times. Talk to your household about ways you may be able to get some extra support during this time. For example, grocery delivery services, laundry and cleaning services, dog-walking services, or a grandparent or friend who is able to watch the kids a few times a week. Talk with your household honestly and openly about what you feel comfortable with to keep your family safe healthwise, how you can support each other more within the household, and if you could reallocate some of your budget to accommodate any paid support.
Cultivate self-care. While juggling a career and children, many professionals tend to put themselves on the back burner. However, this backfires in the long run, because we have to take care of ourselves to continue to take care of others. Find ways to incorporate self-care into your week, even if it’s something very small. For example, take five minutes for yourself to stretch or do some deep breathing. Do something outdoors, or take some time to work on a hobby.
Implementing these steps isn’t always easy, but it will make you a happier partner, spouse, parent, person. We are here to help you. For more support, schedule a free consult today.