As a corporate partner to Alumni Career Services Network (ACSN), we were honored to have our article featured in the October 2020 edition of ACSN News. It is found below:

How to Help Alumni Maintain Job Satisfaction While Working Remotely
We hope you are staying well. Those of us in positions of supporting others need to remember to take care of ourselves as well during these times. Many of our clients are struggling with working remotely; I’m sure you are hearing the same. We want to help you support your alumni by using an important element from our Ideal Career Model: Maintaining a sense of fulfillment.
Values. We need to honor our values regularly at work. Help your alumni discover/revisit their top three personal values. Then, help them determine 1-2 ways to honor those values more. For example: A virtual coffee break with colleagues to stay connected? Taking up a hobby versus binge watching Netflix?
Challenge. If they feel unmotivated, suggest they proactively work on a project they wouldn’t normally work on, identify an issue within their organization that needs to be fixed and fix it, or try out a side gig for something new.
Envision their future. Encourage them to look towards where they want their career to be next year. Looking forward versus feeling frustrated where they are can help pull them out of a rut.