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How is your new year so far? Are you keeping up with your goals and staying on track? No? Why not try what I did–

To keep myself on track, I wrote my goals on a note card and placed it on the wall in my office so I could see it everyday. (I will admit there are some days I forget to actually read over my goals, but just having the note card in a visible place serves as a constant reminder.)

Be sure you have set both ‘being’ and ‘doing’ goals for yourself. Here’s why: you’ll have goals that are tangible and have a time frame. These are action items — things to check off your list. But you’ll also have ‘being’ goals. These are goals based on the person you want to become and the new habits you want to develop (e.g., being more patient). These aren’t “check off the list” items. They are ongoing commitments you’re making to yourself to swap old habits for new ones.

It’s really important to stay focused on your goals and to re-visit them once a week. And it also helps to have someone remind you to review them … like your coach. (Jeanna, are you reading this? :-))

Keep rockin’ and rollin’ on your goals! Hallie

Career Development Coach Hallie Crawford