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Inspirational Quote: Identify the Obstacles in Your Way

So what obstacles get in your way? I know I have plenty of my own. And the first step is awareness… You can’t work on something if you’re not aware of it in the first place. This week, identify what obstacles get in the way of you achieving your goals.

“Most of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them.” Orison Swett Marden

One of the tools I use to overcome blocks and obstacles is EFT. In my last Career Seekers Teleclass, the participants expressed interest in doing a class on the Emotional Freedom Technique.

Here are the details so you can learn about this powerful technique.

Want to learn how to use an easy, quick tool to help you:

  1. minimize any ongoing physical pain you have (stiff neck, etc.)
  2. breakthrough negative thought patterns or beliefs
  3. overcome blocks and emotional issues that tend to stand in your way

We’ll do some live practice tapping so you get to see it in action.

EFT has done wonders for me and my individual clients. I use it regularly and once I show them how to use it, my clients are using it on their own with great success. Whenever a fear or anxiety comes up about something, they tap on it. I’ve tapped on my fears, doubts and negative beliefs as well as my own neck pain.

Class is limited to 10 people, click to reserve your spot right away!

Date & Time: Wednesday, February 21, 2007, 12:00 PM (Eastern)

45-50 minute interactive class to learn how you can use this technique on your own. (I’ll send you a handout to use as a reference for your own tapping.)


Class is limited to 10 people — reserver your spot now for the Emotional Freedom Technique class on February 21st!

Career Search Coach Hallie Crawford