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Cool class for you: Financial Fortune Teleclass

I’ve worked with Jeanna and Eva before. They are high-energy, knowledgeable coaches who know how to change your beliefs about money to enable you to create wealth.

1.  Where will you be in December, financially, if you stick with your current thinking and habits around money?  Next year? In five years?

2. Are your financial habits supporting you or hurting you?
3.  Are you ready once and for all to drastically and positively change your financial outcome over the next 16 weeks and finish the year in high style?

Master Coaches, Jeanna Gabellini and Eva Gregory want to kick start your finances with their ground breaking teleclass, “16 Weeks to Financial Fortune”.  Not only that, they want to share ALL their secrets about how to apply the Law of Attraction to Financial Strategy. We’ve not seen these principles put together like this anywhere!

Once and for all, get a handle on your finances – for only $299 a month for 4 months or pay in full for just $999!!! When you join the Financial Fortune 16-week program, you will immediately receive access to 50+ downloadable bonuses valued at over $5,000!

It all begins Tuesday, July 27th, 2007 at 12:00 pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern.

Isn’t it time? Aren’t your dreams worth it? Aren’t YOU?

To register or for more information, visit their site here.