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Check it out: Career Seekers Mastermind Extravaganza

At the end of my Career Seekers classes, participants often ask me if there is another class. They want to know what’s next — where do they go now? Here’s the answer for everyone who wants to participate!

On March 27th and 28th, I will be holding a Career Seekers Mastermind Event in which you will find answers to your burning questions, such as:

  • How do I find out what the ideal job is for me?
  • I feel like I’m going in circles in a job I dislike; how do I get unstuck?
  • How do I discover what I’m passionate about?
  • How can I find my direction?
  • I have an idea of what I want to do; what should I do next?

If you feel like you’re out there alone, spinning around, and are not sure what to do about your career path – this event is for you! It’s going to be a FUN class — conducted via a private listserv — where you’ll have the opportunity to learn not only from me, but also from your career-seeking peers. Plus you’ll be able to get individualized answers to your specific questions.

Get all the details here for the Career Seekers Mastermind Extravaganza.

Career Counselor Hallie Crawford