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Just a few slots left – Love your job! Career Seekers Teleclass

There’s still time to register… I have a few slots left in my Career Seekers Teleclass that begins next Tuesday, February 6.

Imagine if you could wake up each morning and feel excited about your job! Envision what it would be like to have greater direction, confidence and a sense of empowerment… In this teleclass, you will discover how you can find a career you are passionate about. Click here for more info and to sign up!

Dates: February 6, 2007, 12:00 PM ET/9:00 AM PT (First 3 Tuesdays of the month for 4 months) All calls are recorded. If you miss one, you can make it up. Act now, class size is limited to 10 participants!

Don’t wait… you CAN have a job you truly enjoy.

Sign up now for the Career Seekers Teleclass,
or contact me for more information.

What others have said:
“I uncovered mental patterns that hold me back and got the tools to overcome them…I was able to take the steps to create the life I wanted…I’m getting paying work, I’m feeling a sense of accomplishment, and I’m enjoying it!…The benefits last beyond the time you are in the class…I feel energized and focused after our classes…The coaching class has been an amazing experience and re-awakening for me…I’m so glad I am in this class!… This was the best place to start”

Cost: $200/month for 4 months. Less than 1/2 the cost of individual coaching.

I’ll “see” you in class!

Career Transition Coach Hallie Crawford