Reminder – Free Teleclass: Love your job! Finding a Career that FITS
This week, Wednesday July 19 – 12:00 noon-12:55 ET. Feel free to invite a friend! The more the merrier. Imagine what it would be like
This week, Wednesday July 19 – 12:00 noon-12:55 ET. Feel free to invite a friend! The more the merrier. Imagine what it would be like
A Jan 16 Time magazine article covered the topic of multitasking; it’s benefits and pitfalls. Today we have so many more things demanding our
I have always wanted to find a way to exercise that is fun for me to do – really fun, not just pretending like it
Choosing a career path that’s right for you is a process that takes time. Here’s a tip that can help you get started…. Dream first
2) Let go of the “rat race” mindset – Make the decision not to buy into this mindset. Focus on the positive aspects of your
Appreciating the value of time I’ve been reading a book called In Praise of Slow which discusses the benefits of slower movement, a challenge to
Tara Scarlett – Tara has found her path and is on her way towards fulfilling her dream of being a professional photographer with her own
"The odd thing about inspiration, Hallie, is that it sometimes comes after, not before, a new journey begins." I subscribe to a weekly email service
I’m very excited to announce that my next Career Seekers Teleclass begins the week of July 17… “Positive things do happen!”…“Hallie understood my unique situation
Remain or become financially stable- Before I work with someone on changing career paths, I talk to them about their financial situation. It’s hard to