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What to know about the hidden job market

I found a column posting that helps to answer a very common question amongst career seekers: “Why is there such a thing as a hidden job market?”?

The author, Matt Krumrie, has a great answer. Here’s the first part of his answer:

“Recruiters certainly want to find the best fit for the jobs that are available, but the last thing they want to do is sift through 200 to 300 résumés by advertising every position they have open. Human resources departments are no different than other departments within an organization. Many are often understaffed, and many human resource personnel wear multiple hats. Hiring is only one aspect of their job.”

Read the rest of his answer here:

He gives advice on how to get in front of the hiring manager: “Find out who the hiring manager is at companies you would like to work for – even if they aren’t hiring for positions that fit your skills and experience. Try to make contact with them to introduce yourself and let them know about your background and experience.”

I have a client who recently found a company he really wanted to work for. At the time they weren’t accepting applications but he introduced himself to the hiring manager and spoke with her for a few minutes. A month later they had an opening and he filled out an application. He brought her coffee when he went in. She had remembered him from a month previously when they met, looked over his application and set him up for an interview. She also appreciated the extra touch of the coffee and they spoke a little about his application as they both drank coffee (pre-interview). Now when he goes in for his interview next week, he has already made a good first impression.

If you need help with your job search, I recommend that you check our our Job Search Program for Professionals.

Here’s to having a career you love!

Hallie Crawford
Job Search Coach