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Rattle the cage in your career transition

In my career coaching I use the concept of Gremlins with my coaching clients to help them define and begin to overcome their fears, negative thoughts or obstacles about making a career change. The concept comes from a book I highly recommend called Taming Your Gremlin by Rick Carson.

I’ve found over the years is that when your fears intensify, it can be a good thing because it means you are making change. You are doing something differently to alter the status quo. When in career transition this is a very good thing. It can mean you’ve made the decision to step out of the box, try something new or even take a risk. It can be a very positive thing to rattle the gremlins’ cage and shake things up in your career transition. When you do so, you’re forcing yourself to step out of your comfort zone.

Make it your goal to not shy away from your fears. Instead, face them and rattle the gremlin’s cage. If you do this you will know you’re taking a stand for what you need instead of settling for less! If you find this career advice helpful and you’d like further help, please contact us to set up a complimentary consultation today.

Hallie Crawford
Career Transition Coach