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Job market stability in 2011

With the competitive job market and high unemployment rates being talked about in the news everywhere, it can be intimidating to know where to begin your job search. Here is an ABC article that can help you determine which industries to look into in 2011: 2010: A Year in an Unstable Job Market.

While looking for a job in a more stable industry can be a positive thing, it’s still very important to find something that is going to be a fit for you. Remember, you spend the majority of your time at work.  When looking for your ideal career you need to take a lot of factors into consideration. The fact that something is more stable during a tough economy can be a pro and something you want out of a job, however you shouldn’t settle on a job based on that sole factor. Make sure that you consider all the things that you are looking for in a job (flexibility, salary, hours, location, skill set, environment, etc).

Be sure to sign up for my upcoming FREE Teleclass: Top Ten Tips to Identify Your Ideal Career:

Hallie Crawford
Job Search Help