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Have you thought about starting your own business?

I’ve seen a lot of stories on this topic in the past 6 months or so. A lot of people who have been laid off are looking at starting their own business. It does take dedication and motivation but can be very rewarding. If you are interested in starting your own business, here are some things to think about:

What is your area of expertise? For example do you have experience with accounting, graphic design, or administrative support? As our world becomes more and more virtual, you can now work from almost any location, and service clients almost anywhere. Look at your area of expertise and consider providing consulting services in this area.

Striking out on your own can be scary and it involves risk. It is not a cakewalk and it takes effort, commitment and work. But if you do something you’re passionate about, it won’t feel like work. It’s more enjoyable and you’ll be more committed because you’re following your dream

If you own your business, or want to start one, take a few minutes to read about this free teleclass a great colleague of mine is holding on September 30th titled “A Makeover Plan for Your Vision, Thinking & Profits”. Read more here.

If you need more help, be sure to read my quick tip sheet “Solopreneurs: Tips for Starting and Growing Your Business”.

Hallie Crawford
Career Transition Coach