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If someone asked me what the one piece of advice I could give to a career seeker, I’d say DON’T SETTLE!

In this tough economy I find that some of my clients find it hard to take this career advice. Why? The biggest reason is that many people are feeling a little cash strapped. Maybe they haven’t had a job in months, or their insurance is going to expire. I understand this! If you have to, it’s okay to take a temporary job if you need it for financial reasons, but you still need to be participating actively in a career search to find your ideal career.

On Monday we talked about some of the benefits to finding a career that fits. Think about what it is you want out of your career.

If you want to have a job that brings you fulfillment, talent, and success, then take this advice, DON’T SETTLE!

Find a job that fits your needs, abilities, and dreams. It takes a little extra effort, but you can do it. I myself had to hire a career coach before I figured out that this is what I wanted to do. I love my job now, and I know you can love your job too. This is your life; you deserve what’s best for you!

Check out my free audio Top 10 Tips to Identify Your Ideal Career.

Hallie Crawford
Career Coach & Speaker