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Hallie Recommends: A Great Idea-All Natural Shampoo Bar

I just read about this in the June issue of Body and Soul Magazine. You can now buy shampoo bars, like soap bars but they’re shampoo. What a great idea for travellers now that there are restrictions on the liquids we can carry on! My friends who travel frequently for business have complained about not being able to pack what they need, especially for a quick overnight trip where they don’t want to check a bag.

I especially like the ones that are multi-purpose for hair, face and body. Makes it a lot easier, plus the soaps, etc., you get at a hotel usually aren’t the greatest. Here are some places to find these:

  • Burts Bees Baby Bee Shampoo Bar: Smells of honey and roses.
  • Men Shampoo Body Bar from Aveda: Multipurpose soap for hair, face and body. (And I say not just for men!)
  • Vermont Soapworks: Lavendar and aloe soothes itchy scalps and reduces dandruff

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