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Free Career Teleclass: “Love Your Job! Finding a Career that FITS”

I’d love it if you’d join me. This is my first free career teleclass of the year. Here are the details:

Wednesday, January 17, 2007, from 12 noon-12:55 PM (NY/Eastern time).

Click here to register for this career teleclass. Feel free to invite a friend; the more the merrier!

Imagine what it would be like to have a career that fits you like a glove and that you truly enjoy. In this teleclass, you will leave with tips, tools and information to begin to identify what that career is and how you can start to make it happen…

  1. Learn about the four major components of a satisfying career
  2. Identify and learn to overcome obstacles that may be getting in the way of you finding a satisfying career
  3. Get bonus tips to successfully make a career transition

This class is for anyone looking for career direction or wanting greater fulfillment in their work. (And who don’t want to settle for less!)

Best, Hallie