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Finding Solid Career Support During Career Transition

How can you remain positive and focused during your career transition? Here are some ideas:

  1. Career networking – both online and in person.
    There are tons of career-focused networks and resources on the internet and in your local area. Do a Google search. Check out your home town paper to find out where the best career focused communities are hiding.

  2. Individual career coaching.
    A good coach is there to offer expert advice, an objective viewpoint, positive encouragement and suggestions to help manage your goals effectively, in a manner that works for you.

  3. A career seeking buddy.
    Seek like-minded people or a supportive friend to commiserate with, share experiences with, and bounce ideas off of.

  4. A mentor or someone who has “been there.”
    Is there someone in your life who you admire because they didn’t follow the status quo, made their own way or just seem to be living out an amazingly full and satisfying life and career? Set up some time to talk with them.

  5. Career education courses.
    Newspapers, career publications, public libraries, online career resources and even my career website, are all great places to discover reasonably-priced career education and transition courses. Become armed with the knowledge needed to begin your journey on the path to a more fulfilling career.

Good luck! Hallie Atlanta career coach