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Hallie Recommends: “Ever Wonder” and inspirational question of the week

Happy Tuesday! This week it’s a question instead of a quote. I have this cool book of compelling questions called Ever Wonder. I highly recommend it for inspiration… and for jarring you out of your typical way of thinking. We all need to shake things up from time to time!

“What difference does it make if the thing you’re scared of is real or not?”

Think about this-it really doesn’t make a difference. If you’re scared, and so much so that you don’t move forward or take a risk, it doesn’t matter if it’s real. You’re stuck and not moving either way. This week think about this: What are you afraid of and is it all in your head?

Fears and disempowering beliefs are two of the big obstacles I work on with clients. I talk about this extensively in my “Finding a Career that FITS” Teleclass (click here to listen to an MP3 recording of that class.) These hold people back from pursuing their dreams or making a change in their career path. Once my clients learn how to overcome these, their world starts opening up. It’s inspirational to witness and I love being a part of that process for them.

If you feel stuck and need help getting out of the rut, get in touch. I’m here to help, Hallie finding a new job