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Career Coaching May be Your Next Career Buster

career coaching

career coachingHow important is your job to your self-worth? An article titled, “New Year, New You: Recharge Your Career,” printed in the January, 2015, issue of Tucker Times, states:

“…a national University of Phoenix survey conducted by Harris Poll found that nearly half of working adults in the U.S. gain equal or greater feelings of self-worth from their jobs and careers as they do from their personal lives, and 45 percent are still searching for the right career. Another survey from the University shows that nearly two-thirds of all working adults say they currently have limited opportunities with their companies, but 53 percent acknowledge they should take charge by being more entrepreneurial in their careers.”

So, are you taking charge of your career? If you’re not, look who is. In the August 3, 2014 issue of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, in an article titled, “A Career Coach Isn’t Just for Newbies,” Cindy Krischer Goodman writes:

“Coaching, once perceived as a luxury available only to senior executives, is increasingly appealing to younger generations, according to the International Coach Federation’s 2014 Global Consumer Awareness Study. Of the 18,800 workers surveyed, 35 percent of those between 25 and 34 years old said they already had participated in a coaching relationship.”

Regardless of your age, career coaching may help you retain your self-worth, take charge of your career, find a fulfilling career, and in turn, ultimately help you find a better quality of life. We’re coaches. Call us. We’re here for you!

We hope this is helpful to you! Terry L. Wynne, Ed.S., LPC, BCC, Career Coach at Need help setting and keeping Career Goals? Watch these helpful videos Hallie has created by clicking here.

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