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Bored at Work?

bored at work

If you’re a young woman and you find yourself bored at work — you’re not alone! Certified Career Coach, Hallie Crawford, was asked to give her input for an article on discussing this important topic.

Whether you’re twiddling your thumbs in front of your computer or falling asleep at your desk, you’re not alone. A recent survey reveals that millennial women are more bored at work than any other group.

48 percent of women reported being bored at work, compared to 39 percent of men—and millennials are two times more bored at the office than Baby Boomers, according to an Udemy survey of 1,000 full-time office workers.

What gives? According to the survey results, young women don’t feel challenged at work, nor do they think they have the opportunities to learn new skills. And 29 percent also say social media distractions cause them to be bored at the office.

But work isn’t entirely to blame. Find out what is also to blame by clicking here.