Need a Career Makeover? Five Tips for Reinventing Yourself

career makeover

career makeoverHas your job lost its luster? Are you tired of feeling dragged down by your work and, have you wanted to make a change but haven’t done anything about it? If so, it is time for a career makeover. This is a great time to evaluate your career direction and whether you are truly fulfilled at work. Everyone deserves to have a job that makes them want to jump out of bed in the morning. It takes time and commitment to make this happen, but it is possible.

You spend the majority of your day at work, so it is absolutely vital to your health and well-being to have a career that fills you and gives you a sense of purpose. Because this kind of transition takes time, I strongly recommend you don’t put it off any longer.

Follow these five tips to begin your career transition

1. Make a list of what you enjoy most about your current work; come up with at least five things. How can you translate those things into a new career direction?

2. Write down your greatest strengths and how they can transfer into a new industry. Review your resume and pull out transferable skills. Ask a friend or family member to help you review it for an objective opinion. How can each of these skills be translated into a different possible career path?

3. Conduct informational interviews with people in the industries that interest you. Gather information about the industry and what the jobs in that field typically entail and require. Use these interviews to find out what it would take to transition into that field. Be sure to ask them what skills and experience are required, and based on their answers, determine if you need to take some classes or volunteer, for example, to gain experience.

4. Create a timeline for the “reinventing process.” Set a realistic timeline, such as 3–6 months, for your transition and create a plan from there. Set a deadline and work backwards. Having a plan will enable you to stay organized and motivated to make the change. Make sure your process is clear and concise. Set goals for yourself that you know you can achieve but will also move you out of your comfort zone.

5. Monitor your progress. Refer back your timeline on a regular basis to make sure you are on schedule. Writing it down isn’t enough – you need to check in with your progress regularly. If you need to make revisions to your plan, you can. It is better to have a plan and be willing to be flexible with it than not create one at all because you’re afraid to fail.

The time is NOW! This is the perfect time to start your career transition when you are fresh and motivated to set resolutions and create a new career path.