Back to Work after Baby: What You Need to Know (Part 2)

back to work

back to workHallie was honored to be featured in a recent CareerCo article about how to get back in the workforce after having a baby. As a follow up to this article, we wanted to share some additional tips with you…

Having a newborn at home can make work seem far away – like another lifetime ago. And for many new mothers, it may seem almost impossible to leave your little one to go back to work. Here are some tips on how to keep your sanity while your baby is out of your sight during work hours and stay productive.

  • Check your options. Sometimes it is possible to do work from home for a time after baby is born to keep an eye on her but get caught up on your work as well. Some employers offer teleworking, part-time work or flexible schedules as a way for employees to stay connected. This works well for employees who want to ease the transition back to work. Some employers don’t offer anything, and some employees like to keep their work and home lives separate. But you won’t know until you talk to your boss.
  • Check on your baby. Most bosses or managers permit checking in on the baby. If some don’t it may be helpful to honestly explain that checking on the baby relieves stress improves focus. Ask them what works for them and see if you can come up with a compromise.
  • Be honest. This is a new stage in your life and you will have to learn how to balance parenting with being great a work. Talk to your boss and let her know that it’s hard for you to leave your baby at home. Honest communication between you and your boss will help to make sure you both feel satisfied and content with your new circumstances.