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Why we avoid at work

Check out this video where I share a quick excerpt from my presentation with Associate Coach, Katie Weiser, to the Mercer University EMBA students. Why we avoid tasks at work, it’s not just because we don’t like them…Turn your volume up, the video is not the highest quality – but listen in, you’ll hear the students talk about why they avoid certain tasks and that being a people person and working with contracts all day is difficult. Using the assessment helps you identify your strengths – and why we avoid certain tasks. Watch the video to hear a quick interaction I have with one of the students about his avoiding certain tasks. Now – what do we do about it? While there is no magic answer, we need to find a job that plays to our strengths as much as possible. Ask yourself – are you in the right fit? What changes can you make if any at your current role in order to make it a better fit? Offer to work on different projects, speak to your manager about ways to enhance your role, or – do you need to make a career change? Take 20 minutes to take stock of these questions this week to determine your action plan.

Watch this video from Marcus Buckingham to learn more about playing to your strengths:

Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach