What to Do When People Copy Your Work (Part 2)

copy your work

Hallie was honored to be featured in a recent Glamour article featuring tips for working with someone who copies your work. As a follow up to this article, we wanted to share some additional tips with you.

While having a copycat can sometimes be flattering, in many cases it is more damaging to your career or credibility than anything else. Perhaps they take credit for an idea of yours, but only recreate a portion of your idea. Your boss may dismiss the entire idea, making it impossible for you to show them the original plan.

One piece of advice from another contributor to the article we wanted to highlight is to keep track of your ideas and your contributions to projects or tasks. This will not only help you track what is yours in the event you need to defend that for yourself, it is also a good running list of projects and accomplishments to keep your resume up to date over time. So do this for both reasons. Keep a Word document on your personal computer so you can keep track of the list for personal use as well as professional use long term.

Hallie Crawford is a certified career coach and founder of Create Your Career Path. Her team of coaches helps people find their dream job and make it a reality. She is regularly featured as an expert in the media including the Wall Street Journal, CNN, and US News & World Report