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Visualizing Your Goals to Identify Your Ideal Career

One way I set and achieve my career goals is by visualizing exactly what I want and then creating a Vision Board. It helps me stay focused and thinking positively about each goal. You can do the same thing.

Here’s a quick overview of how to create your own Vision Board:

1. Make a list of the top 10 things you want to have or create in your life. They can be anything – tangible or intangible – like a trip to Macchu Pichu, someone to help you market your business, or a certain amount of money you want to have to give away to charity.

2. Get a posterboard or a large sheet of paper.

3. Cut out or draw pictures of the top 10 things that you want and place them on your vision board. The order or placement is completely up to you.

4. Place your Vision Board somewhere you will see it every day. Your end result should be something that when you look at it, you know clearly what you’re going for and you get excited about the possibility of having it.

My Vision Board is hanging up in my office where I can see it every day. Having my Vision Board front and center keeps me focused on my career goals and priorities.

Do you feel like you need more direction in identifying your ideal career? Download our complimentary report, Top Three Tools to Identify Your Ideal Career today!

If you want more help in your career transition contact us!

Hallie Crawford
Atlanta Career Coach