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Unlocking Your Purpose/Finding Your Purpose Teleclass

Going Beyond Achievement to Fulfillment

A guide for individuals or groups to create their personal mission statement while discovering what’s most fulfilling in their lives and careers. Do you often cruise through life on autopilot, and then find yourself traveling in the wrong direction? By participating in this innovative course, you will clarify your purpose, give direction to your life, and empower yourself to perform beyond your resources. "A year later, I’m still making changes. I know taking the coaching class with you has changed my life." Chyristina Brown

$225 – includes workbook, unlimited access to me while you’re in the class, and a buddy to go through the process with. Next teleclass begins week of July 3, 2006.

If you’re looking for greater direction and fulfillment in your life or career, this is the class for you. Statistics show that people who get support, including participating in a group or class, do better-100% of the time.