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Shameless Plug – New website upgrades

I’ve been working with Nan, a great website consultant, the past few months to improve and upgrade my website. The content and navigation needed work and Nan was brutally honest about this – which I appreciated! I don’t hire people to tell me what I want to hear, I hire them for their expertise. My old design was great, and it was time for an upgrade because it was hard to find info on my products and classes. So we did some tweaking to the beautiful orginal design and Voila! Check it out today when you get a chance.

And here are some new resources for you on the site:

Career Resources: If you’re in career transition and need help with resume writing, are looking for a headhunter, or recommended career tests – check out this new page.

Business Resources: If you’re small business owner and need a good PR person, editor, etc, this new page has my recommended resources.

Happy hump day!
