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Recent college grads: Are you still job hunting?

Summer is almost over, and at this time recent grads typically start feeling the pinch of finding the job if they haven’t already. I’m working with a college senior, Dan, who’s at Emory and already conducting a full time job search so he’s ready for the spring. Here’s the deal, this can be a scary time or it can be a time for opportunity depending on how you see it. I wanted to share this great article from the founder of LinkedIn, Reid, who had some great advice for college grads. Read article here.

I also wanted to share our job search spreadsheet with you to take his advice and implement it right away. It will help you stay organized in your job search.

Download it here. Get out there and good luck!

Hallie Crawford
Job Search Coach

P.S. Are you in the ideal career for you? Find out if you’re in the right career with our Ideal Career Quiz.