Learn from a Client Success Story-Katie Johnson

This is an excerpt from my November Creating Your Own Path ezine. (Click here if you’d like to sign up for my free monthly ezine full of tips and tools you can use to find a career you are passionate about!)

Katie has been working with me for about two years on life and career goals. Twice in our last few coaching sessions she has exclaimed, “I don’t understand how other people live without a life coach!” I love getting positive feedback like that from my clients. It makes my work even more rewarding than it already is! Here’s her story:

How have you benefited from coaching?
Career: In these past two years, I have worked through some pretty tough issues in a job I wasn’t happy in, and I am now doing something I love and getting paid what I’m worth. I’m utilizing my talents and feeling good about what I do. I would never have dreamed up this job, but with Hallie’s help I was able to visualize what I wanted in a career, and to make it happen.

Work/Life Balance and Fulfillment: While I do love my job, I also love my social life and spending time alone. Through working with Hallie as my coach, I now am able to leave work at a reasonable hour and not feel guilty so that I can maintain work/life balance. I also have been much more intentional about ensuring all of my values are being met in some way every week so that I am fulfilled in my career and in my personal life. For a long time I would just come home from work and watch TV. I didn’t take the initiative to connect with friends or acquaintances. Now that I know being social is part of who I am and what I value, I make sure to invite friends over for dinner, take a group fitness class or some other social activity so I feel balanced and fulfilled.

Change Perspective: Finally, I have learned how to change my perspective in order to better handle difficult situations or obstacles. When something is really bothering me, and I know I have to live with it, sometimes I just need to look at it a different way. Hallie helps me to do by changing my perspective so that so I can either be at peace with the things I cannot change or turn them into an advantage or challenge to overcome.

In my coaching sessions I am pushed to think creatively and positively, and through this thinking I am changing how I live my life. I know who I am, what is important to me and how I can be most effective and successful in my life. Through working with Hallie I am more confident and self-assured, I have learned how to overcome obstacles and be the person I want to be.

Here’s what we learned from Katie:

  • Identify and honor your values.
  • Visualize what you want in a career. This is a good first step.
  • Develop balance in your life and career, in a way that works for you.
  • Look at your perspective on a situation, does it need some adjusting?

Do you want to know what your values are and how you can develop greater work/life balance while finding a career you’re passionate about? If so, contact me by clicking here. Best regards, Hallie Atlanta career counseling