There are five supplementary audio files that go with the Jumpstart Your Job Search Home Study Program, designed to further support your work in the home study program. It is suggested that you listen to the audios while progressing through the program.
Each of the audios corresponds to a section in the workbook: 1) identifying strengths, 2) creating excellent cover letters and 3) resumes, 4) enhancing your interviewing skills, and 5) being able to implement an effective job search strategy.
It is suggested that you go through the workbook and audios in the order they are presented, as each section builds on the other.
If you need additional, tailored assistance with your job search, schedule a free consultation now with a certified career coach to get advice on what you’ve accomplished so far and what your next steps should be.

Identify Your Strengths
Cover Letter Creation
Resume Writing
Interview Preparation
Job Search Strategy