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Job Search Advice: What Your Phone Message Says About You!


We’re sure you’ll appreciate this job search advice from Terry L. Wynne, Ed.S., LPC, BCC, Career Coach at  After all, sometimes it’s the little things that help you land that job!

job-serachYou submitted your job application and you’re waiting on that all-important call asking you to come for an interview.  If you can’t answer your phone, what kind of outgoing message will the prospective employer hear?

Do you want the employer to hear:

  •         A message recorded by your adorable three year-old?
  •         Your favorite rap song playing in the background?
  •         Background noise of your dog barking?

If your message is cutesy, lyrical, rhyming, off-color, or risqué, you just conveyed a message about yourself to your prospective employer.  Is the message you conveyed how you want your prospective employer to view you?   If not, write a script, record it, play it back, and make sure it’s clear and audible.   You don’t need to list reasons why you’re not available such as “I’m away from my desk or on another line.”  Simply state your name so employers know they reached the right person and ask them to leave their name and phone number.

An example of an effective message is:

“Hello, you have reached Stacy Constantine.  I’m not available to take your call, but if you leave your name and phone number, I’ll call you back as soon as possible.”

Simply put, the most appropriate outgoing phone message is businesslike and professional – hopefully, just like you!

We hope this is job search advice is helpful to you!  

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