Is it Time for a New Career in the New Year?

Time for a New Career in New Year

The beginning of a new year is a great time to evaluate your career direction. However, it can be challenging to know if it’s time to make a career move. What can help you determine if it’s time for a new career?

First, it’s important to have the right perspective when thinking about your ideal career. No career is perfect. This means that occasionally there will be some ups and downs. But, the good should so far outweigh the bad that you barely notice the bad. That’s the feeling we want you to have in your career.

To analyze your current career, track how you are feeling at work and how long you have been feeling that way. How do you feel about your current tasks and projects? Create a list of your likes and dislikes at work and try to identify common themes. Next, clarify what is permanent versus short term. This will help you determine how big of a career change you need and what your next career move should be.

As career transition coaches, we recommend that you determine what brings you fulfillment before looking for a new job or making a career adjustment. Too many professionals skip this step and end up jobs that they don’t truly enjoy. Starting with fulfillment will help you discover what would truly give you meaning in a career and will give you more career ideas. This also helps you identify your career values. Knowing what your values are is essential to finding a career that you love, because your career should honor your values.

We recommend the following exercises to our coaching clients to help them discover what brings them fulfillment and what their values are:

  • Envision your ideal day at work and journal about what that would look and feel like.
  • Think about a peak experience in your life and journal about how that experience made you feel.
  • Likes and dislikes exercise. Think of something you liked about a job in the past. What was it? Think of something you’ve disliked in the past and write down the opposite.

Working with a career transition coach can also help you if you think it’s time for a career change. They use self-reflective exercises and career assessments to help you plan out your next steps. They will also help you to identify your transferable skills, update your personal marketing materials, and leverage your network.

We are here for you. Find out how we can help you with your career goals this year. Schedule a free consult today.