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Get the real scoop on where you want to work!

I wanted to share this website with you as resources for you career search:

This site can be very helpful in your career search. Assisting you in learning what it’s really like to work at the organizations you’re interested in. It can give you a behind the scenes look at the company based on the anonymous reviews provided by their employees.

*Keep what they say in perspective however.

People who go on  sites like this could be the most disgruntled employees as opposed to the happiest. So you have to realize that you may be getting a one sided review. But finding themes in what they are saying CAN give you some insight into what it’s really like to work there. If people are saying the same thing over and over, there really could be some truth behind what is being said.

Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach

P.S. For more career help and resources like these, be sure to sign up for our Free Monthly Newsletter that is specially designed to help you in your career direction.