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Finding a career seeker buddy for your career transition

Sometimes it isn't easy being that "horse of a different color" in your group of friends. If everyone you know is consumed with their corporate job but you have a strong urge to strike out on your own, you may get some resistance from those who can't relate or are concerned you are making a mistake.

The solution is not to try and persuade the naysayers, but instead seek like-minded people or a supportive friend to commiserate with, share experiences with, and bounce ideas off of. It's so important to feel like you have someone who understands what you're going through during the sometimes unpredictable yet exhilarating career transition time.

Here are some ways you can find a career seeking buddy:

  • visiting online and in-person networks where career seekers converge
  • taking a career education course or career teleclass and reaching out to classmates
  • asking your career coach to introduce you to others in her circle of contacts

Here's to having a career you love,

Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach

P.S. Check out my Identify Your Ideal Career Path Coaching Group if you like the idea of working with a buddy during career transition. Read more here.