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Dream job 101: Ask the tough questions

I was working with Ben, one of my group coaching clients, recently. He’s drafting his career mission statement. This is usually a tough job at first, but once it starts to click it can be inspirational for everyone. Your job search can really take off once you’ve defined this.

If you want to begin writing your career mission statement ask yourself these tough, critical questions and think about them. Take time to muse on them. You should even ask your friends and family what they think. It’s the Who, What and How of your career.

  • Who do you want to impact or help through your career?
  • What do you want to help them with?
  • How do you want to help them?

Here’s an example of my own purpose statement as a career coach: I want to help young to mid-career professionals (WHO) define and land their dream job (WHAT) by coaching them individually and in groups (HOW) to find their career direction.

Now you try it…If you could do anything, be anything or have any impact on the world you wanted to…what would it be? What’s your Who, What and How? If you need help with this, try out our new Online Career Center where you get 24/7 access to our career coaches, plus 2 live monthly coaching calls with me. It’s only $1 for the 1st month!

Hallie Crawford
Career Search Coach