Have you lost that lovin’ feeling for your job? Are you unsure of your career direction, uncertain if you are in the right fit for your position, or simply not achieving your career goals? If this sounds like you, know that you are not alone. Just under half of U.S. workers said they felt satisfied with their jobs in 2015 (Forbes.com, 2016).
So, how do you plan to make a change? Take action by joining Alumni Career Services and Hallie Crawford, Certified Career Coach and national career expert, for a 60-minute workshop in which you will learn how to design a career that that aligns with your sense of meaning and purpose. To support you in defining your career goals, Hallie will guide you on how to:
- Tap into what fulfills you and how to design a career around that criteria
- Develop greater clarity and direction to achieve your career goals
- Determine if your current career path fits your goals
- Overcome the obstacles that hold you back from taking the next step in your career
Career Workshop Being Held: Thursday, March 23, 2017, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Miller Ward Alumni House | 815 Houston Mill Rd. | Atlanta, GA
Do not end 2017 with regret wondering how the time went by so quickly. Join Alumni Career Services and Hallie Crawford for an evening of exploration and walk away with a plan to design your ideal career.