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Check out this career tip to help you dream big!

We all know the saying, “If you start small, you’ll get small.” I always encourage my career coaching clients to think outside the box with their career ideas and really dream big up front. My career coaching client Farah did just that when she shared on a group coaching call a great way to think creatively about alternative career ideas.

She suggested to use as a way to input keywords related to jobs that interest you and find other words that you can search by to find additional types of jobs that might be a fit for you. Plug in architecture and see what else comes up with (design, building, construction, etc.). Search for the career you’re interested in and see what alternate or related career ideas it helps you come up with.

I love this idea to utilize another great career tool. Thanks Farah for sharing!

If you need help with clarifying your career direction, feel free to download our free report, Top Three Tools to Identify Your Ideal Career.

Hallie Crawford
Ideal Career Coach