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Career Corner: Networking Tips continued

What opportunities for networking lie within your circle of family and friends…

Here’s Tip #2: Be opportunistic, but don’t push your luck.
There is a fine line between keeping family/friends updated on your professional endeavors, and being downright pushy. We’re talking about your friends here, so you want to tread even more carefully in this area. You always want to be professional and courteous regardless of where and with whom you are networking. But these are your friends and family, so "kick it up a notch" as Emeril says.

For example, if you sell jewelry and have a couple of aunts whom you think might be interested in attending your next event, bring it up to them in a friendly way. But if they seem the least bit uneasy, do NOT push the issue. Sometimes it’s not worth trying to turn a friendship into a professional relationship, and vice versa. Or if you’re uncle Joe knows someone in the field you are interested in stepping into, make sure he feels comfortable providing the referral before you press the issue. Be up front, let him know you’d love to make the connection, but you also want it to be appropriate and comfortable for him. I always think being honest and up front is the way to go. Beating around the bush takes too much time and effort. It wastes your time and theirs.

Have fun!

I can help you take the next step!

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