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Career Corner: Career Networking – Shining at In-Person Events – Tip #4

Ready for some in-person career prospecting? Good for you.

Career networking isn’t nearly as tough as you might think. After all… you’re in a roomful of people who are just as nervous and eager to make a connection as you are. Basically, that means you’ve got a whole lot in common with everyone there. So take a deep breath, and get ready to make a terrific impression at your next career networking event. In the next several Career Corner posts are some tips to get you in the flow:

Tip #4 – Carry your card

Yes this one seems obvious, but many people forget to check if they have a full supply of cards in their wallet or purse! Or – you may think that a business card is only necessary for folks who freelance or run their own businesses. But what if you’re searching for full-time employment and your ideal career? You need to be prepared. This is a great reason to have your own business card printed up as a means of defining who you are and what you do. People don’t typically carry resumes around with them wherever they go, but they Do have a handful of business cards in their wallet or purse. Have a snazzy card printed up that highlights who you are up front and center.

Here’s to having a career you love,
Hallie Crawford
Career Transition Coach