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Begin Your Ideal Career Scavenger Hunt today!

It’s hard to believe that spring is already here! With Easter so early this year, it seems like the seasons are flying by too quickly. Spring time brings back fond memories of flying kites, Easter egg hunts, and playing outside. To help you get in the mood for spring, we are kicking it off with an Ideal Career Scavenger Hunt. If you are ready to get on the hunt for your ideal career, here are the 5 things you need to do to participate. See the bottom for where to submit your answers and receive a complimentary copy of our Career Transition book!

   Destination #1 on Your Ideal Career Scavenger Hunt

People You Know – Brainstorm career options with people you know. This will give you a different perspective about your unique skill set, personality or even past work experiences. Utilizing your friends and family is a great place to start the hunt for your ideal career!

   Destination #2 on Your Ideal Career Scavenger Hunt

Online Resources – Websites such as and can really help you narrow in on your ideal career. Check out one of these online resources and plug in keywords that are related to your interests or your skill set, and then the site will give you ideas to brainstorm with.

   Destination #3 on Your Ideal Career Scavenger Hunt

Informational Interviews – Conduct informational interviews with people who work in, or have been part of the industry that you are considering. The idea of an informational interview is to learn more and gather information about the job, industry or specific company that you would like to work for. Schedule and conduct one informational interview per week.

   Destination #4 on Your Ideal Career Scavenger Hunt

Networking Events – Attend two networking events this month in industries that you are considering. This will help you to learn more about the industry that you want to be part of. You can network with other participants at the event and take notes during presentations about relevant trends within the industry.

   Destination #5 on Your Ideal Career Scavenger Hunt

Career Assessment – Partake in a career assessment to help you learn more about your interests, preferences and personal style. We offer 2 career assessments that you can learn more about here (the Strong Interest Inventory and Strengthsfinder).

Career assessments are a great tool to help you along your ideal career path. There are also some free online career assessments such as this MAPP career assessment.

   To Complete Your Ideal Career Scavenger Hunt

Submit all 5 of your completed tasks to by April 30th. We will choose one scavenger hunt winner and announce it in May’s Career Newsletter. Good Luck and Happy Hunting!

Hallie Crawford
Ideal Career Coach

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