Your Career and the Great Reshuffle

CYCP - the great reshuffle

Professionals today are in search of greater freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment. So much has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic in the workplace and workers feel more empowered than ever. The Great Resignation has turned into the Great Reshuffle, with professionals searching for jobs that fit more closely with their lifestyles.

How does your career fit into the picture? Have you joined the Great Reshuffle? Are you thinking about it? We get it. No one should dread getting out of bed in the morning to go to work. There are so many job opportunities available that it can be tempting to simply pick one with a better salary and hope it works out.

However, it’s not all about the money. While salary is a factor, it’s important to make sure that a job aligns with your values. We have over 20 years of expertise with this situation and have a tried and true system to help mid-career professionals just like you make better career choices. Our trademarked Career Model starts with three key elements: fulfillment, enjoyment, and strengths. These are the pillars of long-term job satisfaction.

When you align your career search with these pillars, it allows you to job search more quickly, identifying jobs that are potentially the right fit more effectively. And when you align your career growth with these pillars, it allows you to set more decisive goals and follow through on them.

You may be thinking, the job market is good so I don’t need help. We agree, that the job market is good right now! But you still have to put your best foot forward in all aspects of a job search, such as interviewing, negotiating your salary, and other benefits effectively. All of this takes advance thought and preparation. Don’t leave your job search to chance! Our Career Model can help you get the leading edge in your job search during the Great Reshuffle so you get the job you want, and quickly.

So, how can you get started with the three pillars of our Career Model? We recommend the following exercises to start:

The peak life experience exercise. One easy way to identify what brings you fulfillment, or satisfaction, is by identifying your values. This can start to take shape by thinking about a peak experience, or experiences, in your life. What was it about them that made them so special? Write down everything that comes to mind. Are there any common themes that emerge? These can help you identify your values.

The work tasks contrast list. Just because we are good at doing something doesn’t mean that we truly enjoy it. So we find it helpful to identify the tasks that would make you happy at work, not just the ones that you do well. We also recommend creating a list of tasks that you currently don’t enjoy at work. Write down all of the tasks and assignments that you enjoy and those that you don’t enjoy. Then, you can add other tasks in your daily life for more clues about what you would truly enjoy doing.

Interview three people who know you well. It’s been said that there are two versions of ourselves; what we believe we are and what others believe we are. So we need to get to know the other version of ourselves better to uncover strengths and qualities that others see in us. To do this, we recommend interviewing three people who know you well. Ask them what they think you do better than anyone else they know, how they would describe you in three to five words, and what job they think you would be successful at. This can help you to discover new career ideas and greater self-confidence.

Our Career Model doesn’t stop there! For more information about our process, click here. To find out how we can help you go through our model and navigate the Great Reshuffle, schedule a free consult today.