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How to Work With a Recruiter Part II

work with a recruiter

work with a recruiterHere are 5 more tips to work effectively with a job recruiter:

  • Use your Elevator Speech at every appropriate opportunity, both online and offline.
  • Be transparent without being overly self-promotional during any phone or in-person meeting with a representative from a search firm. Do not make claims that will not stand up to rigorous background and reference checking.
  • Have a clear vision of what you want and a keen awareness of what you have to offer. Be careful not to view recruiters as career counselors – with upwards of 1,500 assignments open at any given time firm wide, the recruiter can give you a snapshot of what is happening in the market at large but cannot necessarily help you focus your job search if you yourself lack clarity.
  • Assess opportunities provided by recruiters realistically. Do not feign interest in a job that you are not intending to follow through on.
  • Relationship is give and take. If you have good contacts, industry insight or news that the recruiter can use, be the first one to offer a helping hand. This also gives you a reason to stay in touch and keeps you at the forefront of a recruiter’s mind.
  • Ask your recruiter questions along the way and always keep a recruiter informed and updated on your situation.

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