What’s the Secret to losing weight & perfect health? It’s simple…your thoughts.


A 6-week tele-course with Jeanna Gabellini, Master Coach

FORGET DISCIPLINE & throw out the window all the rules about diet, exercise & health cures! Will this course challenge everything you thought about health? Of course! That’s the point.

Jeanna will answer all of these questions and more!

  • How do you focus on well being when you dont feel good?
  • Where do doctors, drugs or natural alternative healing modalities come into play?
  • How do you shift out of illness/disease/structural misalignment?
  • How do habits keep you stuck in illness and what can you do about that?
  • What can you tell yourself or do to prevent disease?
  • Is it helpful to analyze why you got sick, fell or had an accident?

Hallie Recommends: Jeanna’s Get Your Body Humming

How do you lose weight when you’ve already tried everything with no luck?

On Tuesday, March 13, 2007, at 4pm ET, Jeanna will show & coach you how to find YOUR perfect path to health!

Register now and secure your spot

In 6 weeks (or less!) you can literally have dramatic positive results like these:

“My diabetes has never been under control. While taking this class I’ve had great control and use less insulin. I also used to have constant bouts of eczema, like a 3″ band around one ankle. It’s gone now!”
— Mary Pippin

“Something really changed for me after I started Jeanna’s Body Humming Class. I stopped beating myself up, changed my focus, and have lost 15 lbs! I highly recommend this class for anyone who is currently struggling with a perceived weight problem – it will change your life!”
— Perenna Fleming

The investment in your health is only $199 and you’ll remember this as a benchmark to your feeling and looking better than ever!

Click here to register