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Two tips to help you focus on your strengths

Katie Weiser, one of my associate coaches, and I were thrilled to present our new Strengthsfinder Workshop to the EMBA students at Mercer University last week. They loved it, and I wanted to share two things with you that really hit home for me:

  1. Here is a great video from Marcus Buckingham talking about how as employees we really need to focus on our strengths instead of focusing on improving our weaknesses: Watch Video Here

    I don’t know about you but I do this all the time! I’m constantly thinking about how to overcome my weaknesses as opposed to leveraging my strengths and how I can do that on a regular basis. Hello – news flash! I spent a half hour reviewing my own Strengthsfinder and making a list of how I can begin to leverage my strengths, more often. I know I already use them in my business BUT not often as I could, and not as deliberately. Imagine what can happen for you if you make a commitment to continuously focus on your strengths, as well as minimizing the weaknesses. And…if in our performance reviews we did that as well instead of spending most of the time figuring out how to fix things. Marcus Buckingham describes this well, focusing on fixing something bad just makes it less bad. While focusing on strengths/our positive traits, can dramatically improve our success.

  2. I also wanted to share 2 things the students said. One said I am constantly focusing with my kids on their weaknesses and how to improve them. He sent an email to them right then and there apologizing and telling them he’d start helping them with strengths. I was touched…

    Another student who’s a nurse works by managing a large staff of nurses said she always focuses in their team meetings on her employee’s strengths instead of nagging them about weaknesses. Over time she has seen a dramatic improvement in their performance and their morale as a result.

Food for thought that I just wanted to share with you. I hope it’s helpful!

Hallie Crawford
Ideal Career Coach

P.S. Are you in the ideal career for you? Find out if you’re in the right career with our Ideal Career Quiz.