‘Tis the season to maintain work/life balance

I love getting messages from tut.com in my inbox each week. This is one I really like:

Every so often, Hallie, I like to take time off. You know, go to theme parks, ride roller coasters, and people watch. Sit on the beach, walk through the forest, and listen to my iPod. Just kick back, relax, and let everything run on autopilot… considering, it already does.
Haven’t you noticed?
You’re in good hands,
The Universe
© www.tut.com

I’ve been really busy lately, sometimes catching up on emails and such on the weekends. This helps me realize that I need to take some more time off to be with my son and husband. I need some me-time too! Having work/life balance is just as important (if not more so) than being caught up on my emails and other small projects. When I’m feeling overwhelmed I like coming back to this quote – to keep me in check.

Take some quality time in the next week to savor the good things in your life. It doesn’t have to be extravagant to be special. Go out for a nice dinner, have a glass of wine, do something special you normally don’t do. Set aside time to make it meaningful. Decide specifically how and what you want to celebrate. Resist the temptation to rush through your “Holiday To Do List” and be sure to carve out time to celebrate and give thanks for all the good in your life.

And remember, when you are considering a new career or a change in career, be sure that the work schedule/load allows for work/life balance. Life’s too short to settle for less than a career and life you love.

Hallie Crawford
Career Help