I love the sound of leaves crackling beneath my feet. Fall is here and with it Thanksgiving, when we give thanks for everything we have in our lives and the great things that have happened so far this year.

I find that for many of us when we accomplish something we typically take just the briefest moment to relish in it before quickly moving on to the next thing. While I believe forward movement and growth is important (it is one of my values), I also like to remind myself and my clients to consider where they’ve been, what they’ve accomplished and really celebrate what they’ve achieved so far this year. My “Food for Thought” article in my ezine this month with the inspirational quote relates to this idea – you can read it here. What about you – do you take the time to truly savor your success? As you’re giving thanks this holiday season, I suggest you resist the temptation to rush through your “Holiday To Do List” and be sure to take some time to really celebrate what you have accomplished this year and the good things that are going on in your life.

Remember…what you focus your attention on expands – more ideas coming in the next ezine. (If you want to sign up for my ezine, simply fill in the link to the right and you’re good to go!)

To those readers in the U.S., have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday this week. Hallie