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Smart Career Decisions in a Tough Economy

“Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Anais Nin

I belive that this is true. I know that when I am feeling courageous and more confident, I make things happen. I’m more willing to step out of my comfort zone and take a risk to do what I need to do to make a change in my life towards something I want.

Career transition takes courage. It’s a change, and change can be scary. There are many things you can do to successfully make smart career decisions manage your career transition. One of the key elements you have to tap into is your courage. We all have it – sometimes it’s just buried under disempowering beliefs, negative past experiences or fear of change. Imagine you can move those things aside in your mind, as if you’re moving aside a big brick wall. What do you see on the other side? Where is your courage and how can you tap into it more?

Here’s to making it happen!
Hallie Crawford
Career Coach

P.S. Join me TODAY for “Survive the Job Crisis: Creating Career Possibilities for Yourself in Three Short Steps” at 12 noon ET. In this FREE teleclass, find out live the 3 things you need to do right now in order to survive the job crisis. Learn how to handle whatever career transition you are currently facing.