Over and over again I see resumes where the client insists on wanting to include everything “and their kitchen sink!” They are adamant and convinced that a potential employer should have a detailed list of their job functions and all those outside of their job functions (to show their dedication). The idea isn’t all that faulty, but here are a few things to keep in mind.
- Employers are not interested in reading the details – leave this for the interview. Instead, employers are more interested in understanding the value you offer to their organization. This value can be clearly illustrated with measurable results.
- Keep the information relevant – what type of skills and experience are needed for the position? If you have a vast array of experience and skills, don’t get bogged down with the details of all that experience. Instead, focus your resume on those skills and experiences that are relevant.
- Would you read a 3-4 page resume? Employers will not. So keeping the information short, precise, and to the point is very important. Again, details should be left for the interview. Summarize your actions and back it up with results.
Thank you to our resume expert, Jasmine Marchong, for this article and the resume tips.