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Resources-Career – Defining your life purpose

Happy Monday!

My coaching clients often come to me for help in defining their life purpose. Whether you are just starting out in a field (recent college grad) or someone in career transition, you may find that you can’t move forward in your goals because it is unclear about what you really want. I find that for soon-to-be college graduates this is especially a difficult time because graduation is looming and some students are unclear on what to do next.

What do YOU really want?

Although your primary focus may be on finding the right career, it’s important to become clear on all dimensions of your life. In fact, without a Personal Mission Statement for your life, it’s next to impossible to move from Point A to Point B. This is especially true for recent college grads.

Many of my clients have discovered that once they find their direction and define their life purpose, choosing the right career becomes a much easier task. They know more about themselves and can actively undertake the steps to finding a career they love.

Moving forward with personal and career goals can be tough when what you really want isn’t crystal clear. If you need help defining or fine tuning your life and career direction, then my Identifying Your Purpose Coaching Group is the perfect place to start.

Learn to live your life with greater passion and purpose, narrow your career interests to the one that truly excites you, and begin moving in the right direction – right now!  The next group kicks off on May 7.

Go here to learn more.

Have a great week!
Hallie Crawford
Career Planning Coach